If you visit the newest patissseries in Paris you will notice that all their confectionery is immaculately presented and there is a very modern presentation as well as a flavour revolution going on. The individual pastries sit proudly on display, some bakeries even decorate them to match the decor. No clashing colours inside here. On closer inspection I noticed that these pastries that sit up so proudly are actually upside down. The new elegance of choux buns and meringues is that they are placed top down before decorating, giving them the appearance of coffee cups or sputniks, both sitting on small bases they look like they might fly away. The fillings are different too. The once culinary taboo not to use salted butter with a chocolate or carmel recipe has been thrown out of the window. Salt in chocolate is now the new flavour, as is caramel. And then thanks to the growing nu
mber of Japanese patissiers in France ingredients like yuzu lemons and tonka beans have become commonplace , not to mention Nepalese timut pepper, with its hint of passionfruit and grapefruit. You can find much inspiration on instagram or in French online magazines. So if you are going to decorate a meringue of a choux bun turn it on its head for a more modern look.
Of course the most well known upside-down dessert that has travelled the world is the Tarte Tatin, the most delicious apple tart that is never too sweet and is always the perfect ending to a meal. There are many variations on this theme, substituting other fruits or even using vegetables for a savoury option, a great start to a meal.