Swedish Bakeries in London

Swedish Bakeries in London
Swedish Bakeries in London
Swedish Bakeries in London
Swedish Bakeries in London

The best Swedish bakeries in London seem to be tucked away, under railway arches or hiding down GeorgiIMG_5840an laneways. You have to know they are there. They are also in my opinion the best of the Scandinavians. Why am I surprised that when the Nordic style pastry shops/cafes hit the high streets they resemble little in excellence. The goods on sale are overly sweet, lacklustre and lack all subtlety. Fresh ingredients, natural processing and traditional methods sum up the best of the good bakeries. But I wont go on, just point you to my favoutites.

I can jump on the Overground and get to Fabrique bakery under the railway arches at Hoxton station early in the morning and see the bakers finishing a long night’s shift, sit at small tables near the gigantic work bench and  speed racks and enjoy their excellent coffee with a cinnamIMG_5108[1]on roll then  take some of their delicious bread home.

The tiny cafe  Bageriet is down an unassuming covered lane not far from the Leicester Square Tube. Squeeze in amongst all the office workers taking out their lunch and enjoy an apple and marzipan tart, knowing that  the bakers are beavering awaIMG_6288[1]y in the basement making their unique cakes and breads.

Thirdly if you are anywhere near Oxford Circus , take a diversion to Great Titchfield Street where The Scandinavian Kitchen serves fab open sandwiches plus you can put the cream filled cardamom buns to the taste test.

Also a grocery shop The Scandinavian Kitchen sells among other things excellent rye flour if you fancy trying your hand at baking a Swedish loaf  or crisp breads at home. And why not. You will certainly be inspired to put your apron on and get baking after these visits.